PaymentGenes is thrilled to have once again joined forces with the Merchant Payments Ecosystem (MPE) conference held in Berlin last March. It was an enriching experience for our team, with insightful discussions, engaging sessions, and valuable networking opportunities. Let's delve into the highlights of the event and share our thoughts on the future of payments and loyalty.
Partnering with MPE has always been a source of pride for PaymentGenes. This year, our Consultancy team members Kirsten Hoornstra and Bas van Donselaar took the stage to share their expertise on topics ranging from IoT and payments to Embedded Loyalty solutions. With over 1,400 global merchants and senior payment professionals in attendance, the 17th MPE conference provided a platform to explore the latest trends shaping the industry.
Bas van Donselaar, Head of PaymentGenes Consultancy and practice lead of Strategy Consulting, led a session on the intersection of IoT and automated payments. Alongside industry specialists, Bas discussed the potential of machine-initiated transactions and their role in shaping the smart cities of the future. From charging electric vehicles to managing congestion through road pricing, He highlighted the transformative power of IoT in payments. However, he also emphasized the need for robust frameworks to address security and data privacy concerns in this evolving landscape.
Kirsten Hoornstra, our practice lead for Merchant Services, hosted a workshop on the concept of "Embedded Loyalty." In an era of hypercompetitive markets, loyalty programs have become essential for fostering customer relationships. Kirsten stressed the importance of seamless integration and frictionless experiences in loyalty programs to drive customer engagement. Her session underscored the need for organizations to adopt a holistic approach towards loyalty, leveraging technology and cross-disciplinary teams to deliver value to customers.
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Our colleague Bram Vreugdenhill shared his reflections on the event, highlighting the impact of external factors like the strike on attendance levels. Despite the challenges, Bram enjoyed reconnecting with industry peers and participating in thought-provoking discussions. He also appreciated the emphasis on sustainability, such as the organized run and the promotion of eco-friendly travel options.
Ward Hagenaar, who has been attending for the 7th time, expressed the continuous growth in the quality of the event. The team behind MPE clearly keeps focussing on improvements and innovation, reflected in a high-end yet informal industry event. The strong participation from merchants from all verticals expressed that more are striving towards enabling payments as a strategic capability. That's exactly where PaymentGenes fits in with Consultancy and Talent Acquisition and it's the reason for our active contribution and support to this event.
Overall, MPE 2024 was a resounding success for PaymentGenes. The conference provided valuable insights into the future of payments, from IoT-enabled transactions to innovative loyalty solutions. We're excited to continue driving innovation in the payments industry and look forward to future collaborations with MPE and other industry partners.
See you next year!
From EV charging solutions to the rise of account-to-account payments, industry leaders have been discussing how innovation is reshaping convenience, loyalty, and the customer experience in the context of mobility.
Ward Hagenaar and David Núñez Corona from PaymentGenes attended an event featuring experts from Decoded, Mastercard, Stripe, and Entersekt, highlighting key insights into the growing digital payments landscape. The discussions focused on the increasing risks of fraud as payment volumes surge, the need to balance security with a seamless user experience, and the importance of using AI-driven tools and real-time data to prevent fraud early. The event also emphasized the potential for businesses to optimize transaction flows, reduce chargebacks, and enhance profitability through strategic payment optimization.
At Visa’s Issuer Enabler Open House, industry leaders highlighted key advancements in payments. Revolut is advancing a global retail banking model to overcome traditional barriers, while B2B payments in Europe remain an underutilized growth opportunity. Europe stands out with low fraud rates, driven by secure technologies like 3DS and tokenization, and Visa has enhanced A2A payment security to combat APP fraud. Visa’s partnerships with over 100 EU fintechs and the launch of Visa Flex, a single-credential solution for streamlined card management, reflect its commitment to innovation, integration, and robust security in payments across the region.